New Zealand, New Job

Thats another pretty lame title, i've been coming up a bit short lately, but every artist has their dry spell. It's been a rough couple of weeks here. Maria and I were both sick, Maria with a bit of an allergic reaction (we think) to our detergent or something in our room, and me with a sore throat cough kind of thing. I think i'm pretty much over it now, although I occasionally get a bit of a cough. I also had a strange and very short run in with what I think was a very mild case of pink eye. I thought at first that it was allergies, as I had the same symptoms as a kid, but after doing some research pink eyes seems to be the front runner. Enough about me though.
Just kidding, more about me. I got a new job at the Flying Burrito Brother tequileria. That sounds much cooler than it actually is. Its a slightly upscale mexican restaraunt that has over 200 different kinds of tequila, and in the two weeks that i've worked there I think that i've seen less than five people actually order any kind of tequila, Mexican is not as popular here as it is in the states. The job isn't too bad, although the hours once again kind of stink (what is it with New Zealand and having crappy hours?). Instead of working massive hours over a three day period, I am now working almost negligible hours over a five day period. Three hour shifts really aren't that much fun, especially when you need the money. The other employees are nice though, and at least I'm not working nights. I am always home before 1am, usually its more like 11:30 or 12, not too bad at all.
Quickly; we've decided not to buy a car as we were really worried that we would get a lemon, even if it wasn't the intent of the seller. We've decided that flying a bit (its rediculously cheap) and renting is the way too go. In the end it may cost a bit more, but it will provide security in case the car breaks down or we need some kind of assistance. However we don't have a phone, so if things go wrong in the middle of no where, we're screwed.
