Skyway Lodge

We spent the last few nights before heading to Fiji at the Skyway Airport Lodge. The “Lodge” was actually more of a hostel, but I think they called it a lodge to discourage young travelers looking for a place to party. The hostel was run by a middle aged man from somewhere near New Zealand, but his accent was slightly different. His wife was from Korea and together they performed almost all of the hostel duties. At first I was a little put off by the pair, as the hostel was part of their house and it seemed almost as if we were invading their privacy. After a few hours though it became clear that this wasn't bothering them, so it ceased to bother me. This setting also provided a very friendly way to get to know our hosts, as we got to spend a good deal of time talking to them. The couple had a toddler that ran around during most of the day, and it always put a smile on the patrons face whenever she came crashing into their legs. Our stay was comfy and we spent most of the time playing scrabble or trying to get our things organized for our coming trip to Fiji. We had decided we were going to leave one of our bags at the hostel to pick up when we got back, so we had to leave some things behind that we weren't going to need while we were staying in a hotel. We left mostly our camping gear and some cold weather clothing that we had packed just in case. While our stay wasn't exciting, I would recommend the Skyway Lodge to anyone who is looking for a place to stay while stopping in Auckland. It's in walking distance of a grocery store and has excellent facilities. It even has cheap Internet and a pool. All-in-all it was probably the most accommodating place we've stayed so far.
