Friday was no go out to eat day for us. We cooked breakfast and then headed out for a long walk to the lagoon (or the legume as Dad preferred to call it). The lagoon is just below the base of a mountain, and is home to lots of birds. Last time we stayed in Todos Santos our accommodation was up on the hill above the lagoon. This was a chance to revisit our old Todos Santos stomping grounds.
Today was the first day where the sky was overcast, and we took advantage of it. The walk to the lagoon was about three hours total, and we took plenty of stops to water everyone. Walking in the sand is much slower than walking on the road, especially in the sand here. At previous beaches we've been to like Loreto and Bahia de Los Angeles, the sand has very pretty fine. Here the sand is both very coarse and very deep. There isn't really anywhere on the beach where the sand compacts to make for good walking.
In addition to being coarse, the sand is also sticky. I'm sure that we will be finding grains of sand in Remy's ears, nose, butt, and hair until he's five years old. We've tried washing it off with the hose and in the shower. We've tried brushing it with a broom, a towel, and a sock. Nothing gets it all the way off. Wet or dry it is going to find a place to stick. Here is what Remy looks like after a typical trip to the beach.
After our long walk back we made dinner at home and watched a documentary about forests on Netflix.
Saturday was another cloudy day, so we decided on another long walk, this time in the opposite direction on the beach. To the north of our beach there is a surfing area, so we headed that way to see if we could find any surfers. We were in luck and saw a group of folks surfing right as we decided to head home.
Despite the cloudy skies the temperature/humidity was quite high. We overestimated our party's walking ability and had a bit of struggling getting back as both Remy and Louie were tuckered out. We ended up taking a lot of rest and water breaks, and eventually made it home. Naps were in order for all immediately upon our return.
After everyone got a chance to rest we headed into town for dinner. Sunday's dinner was at mezcalria. We know almost nothing about mezcal, but it was interesting to try all of the different varieties. No one in our family is big on liquor alone, but a snifter of mezcal every other month doesn't sound so bad. It didn't have quite the same bite as tequila and seemed to go down a little easier. Maybe that was just the effect of the very fancy clay tasting glasses that the samples came in.
We asked our server about the differences, but he was unfortunately new on the job and hadn't gotten up to speed on all of them yet. The one that he was familiar with had been filtered through a seasoned goat's leg. That was probably interesting enough to cover for all of them. Remy tried some lemonade but wasn't a huge fan. Luckily Dad will drink anything with sugar in it. The mezcal was served with fried crickets. Remy declined the crickets.