Bookin' down to Baja 26 - A new perro friend

There are a lot of dogs that come and go through our neighborhood. Some of them we see once or twice, and others stick around for a while. This past week we made a new friend, Pinto. Pinto is a white dog with black spots and pointy ears. He's quite a bit bigger than Tigre, but also seems to be younger. As far as we can tell Tigre still runs things on the this block. 

Tigre is a mainstay in the neighborhood, and we see him just about every morning on our walk, and almost always in the evening as well. Pinto comes and goes a little more often and we see him less consistently. During our first big Pinto experience he came for a walk with Tigre and us to the beach. 

Louie doesn't always like to play on the beach, but when Pinto and Tigre come along they can really start churning up the sand. Pinto and Tigre are both very fast and used to running on the sand. Louie on the other hand...looks like a shaggy rug chasing after them. 
Louie is worn out. 
Pinto also really likes the water.
Remy didn't want to be left out of the physical activity. 
A nice post exercise beach laydown session.
