Bookin' down to Baja 32 - A little under the weather

Everyone in our family passed around a bit of a cold this week (12/27/2021 - I know, we're behind). Mom had it first and then sent it over to Remy and Dad. One of us was kind enough to return it to her for a few days. Luckily we probably only had two full days of being really sick between us. We utilized traditional medicine, including some home cooked healthy food, juice, and plenty of time out in the fresh air. 

A walk is always good for the constitution

Luckily, the dogs were more than willing to exercise themselves. 

We'll bury this cold once and for all. 
I thought Halloween had passed already?

Once everyone was back to 100% we got to go check out a new restaurant! If you're keeping track we have 5 Tacos and a Beer directly behind our house, Las Tunas Tacos behind and to the left, and now Poke Loco behind and to the right. Poke Loco's specialties are wood fired pizzas and poke. Life is short, so we got both. 
Remy was a big fan of the pizza. 
Dad was a fan of the poke. 

The other two restaurants in the immediate vicinity of our lodging have a much more laid back vibe. They have a few tables in what could easily be mistaken for a driveway. Poke Loco is very well laid out, has a big wood fired over, a large kitchen area, and a full bar. In addition they have very nice furniture. We considered slipping one of the tables into Maria's purse but couldn't make it fit. 

Remy must have impressed the owners (they are French) because they brought him a special dessert just for being such a cute guy. I've seen anacondas take more delicate bites. We thought that he'd dropped it on the ground, but no, he got the whole thing in his mouth in two bites. Compliments to the pastry chef?
This is the first bite.
