Remy in the Yucatan pt.7

For our morning walk we stumbled into a rarity even for folks who live in close proximity to Starbucks's hometown: three of the same coffee shops in one square block. This phenomenon has been discussed in literature, but never observed by yours truly in the wild. 

Our first fancy coffee shop in Holbox was Clandestino, and then we discovered a second branch on the opposite side of the street, and a third branch just around the corner. They must have received a bulk discount when signing leases. Luckily their coffee is good and their baked goods are also yummy. 

After coffee and breakfast at our abode we headed to the beach! We purchased some small beach toys at the market and set about making a nice big pool in the sand. This was dubbed many different things, including a cement factory, a well, a pool, and a reservoir. Hopefully no one was having to drink the water in it. Everyone ventured out into water for a spot of swimming as well.

We had leftovers for lunch and then tucked in for a much needed nap. Afterwards we went for a beach walk and ended up at a beach restaurant near town. We had sushi (the adults did) and Remy somehow ended up with a steak (he ate most of it). The beach side setting was very nice and we also got to enjoy some live music and a theatrical dance show from Remy and Elisabet. 
After dinner we wove through town. We bumped into a crowd of people and a truck, and found a drag show going on on the other side. We squeezed into the crowd with the kids on our shoulders and watched a for a while before continuing on.  We decided to head toward home as it was getting late, but made a quick stop at the playgrounds in the town square. Right as we finally said "enough" two large parade floats went by. We followed them a ways and were treated to a dance troupe performing several different songs on a side street. It was an excellent way to wrap up the Carnival celebration.  
