No Rabbits in Canadia pt. 5

Monday morning arrived and it was quite wet. We packed up the remainder of our things and piled into the car. Dean had found a glass shop that was able to quickly replace their broken window with plexiglass. No more table cloth! It was noted that the duct tape and table cloth solution had held up. We were unsure if it would withstand highway driving for long. 

When we arrived at Kicking Horse campground it was still quite rainy. The clouds must have been following us. We got our awning out and set up our rain shelter. The rain isn't heavy enough that you're getting soaked after being outside, but nothing dries and it makes the temperature seem much lower than it actually is. 

The Zimmermanns arrived a bit later accounting for their glass stop. After they had finished setting up we went to the playground. Remy performed a science experiment and found that, yes, going down a slide with cotton pants on while it is raining results in a very wet butt. Bode did his own experiment and discovered (rediscovered, according to Dean) that going down a slide in a rain suit greatly increases the speed of the slide. 

Remy took a nap, Dad read his book, and the rest of the party went for a walk. After the walk it was close to 5pm, which meant generator hour and afternoon espresso time! Dean's espresso machine has a much smaller footprint than dad's, and runs off plugs in the trailer just fine. We enjoyed some excellent decaf lattes while topping off our trailer batteries. 

The next activity was a stroll down to the beach. We dug in the sand, drew some sand pictures, and generally got even wetter and dirtier than we already were. 

Everyone enjoyed a lovely dinner and then we had a special treat, chocolate fondue! The rain has mostly stopped so we were able to enjoy our dipping while staying relatively dry. 
