No Rabbits in Canadia pt.8

The moms and Lindsey started the day with a hike while the dads and the kids got down to some serious breakfast making business. The menu was Chocolate chip pancakes and bacon for the kids, and massive breakfast burritos for the adults. Dean and Todd split one burrito. 

When the moms returned we loaded up the vehicles and headed for the lake. The first lake we tried to visit seemed somewhat inaccessible, maybe only by golf cart, and we ended up driving through a resort trying to find a through road. We did see a fox trotting through the parking lot which made the extra confusion worthwhile. We pivoted to a different lake, Lake Annette, and that turned out to be a good choice. 

The lake water was crystal clear blue, with visibility of the bottom possible across almost the entire lake. We speculated that there might be a lack of minerals in the lake (or too many?) As there were zero plants growing in the water. The kids found a canoe storage rack and spent three hours playing some kind of game on it. None of them wanted to stop. The adults got in some paddle boarding, some walking, some snacks, a bit of swimming (just Dean and Dad, the water was pretty chilly), and a toss or two of the old baseball. 

After lake time we headed back to camp for a nap and prepatory measures for lake time part two that evening. Mom, Dad, and Remy got a glimpse of a mama black bear and her cub heading into the woods after crossing the road. Very fool. Our plan was to grab pizzas in town and then head out to pyramid lake (named for pyramid mountain just to the north). There was a bit of a hold up at the pizza place though and it ended up taking an extra 30 minutes. Luckily the pizza was really good.
Pyramid lake has an island in it that is accessible by walking bridge so we were able to enjoy our pizza in an especially scenic spot. Pizza highlights included the shawarma pizza with chicken and hummus sauce, and a mushroom and truffle sauce pizza. The kids once again entertained themselves by climbing on am uprooted tree. Regan is an excellent creative lead and Remy contributes a lot of ideas once things get rolling. Bode is happy to be included at this point and usually is up for anything. 

When we got back to camp it was already quite late but the kids wanted to put on a circus act and the adults were happy to oblige. Remy did several high flying stunts, Bode provided some excellent tricks, and Regan put together a dance number. We hadn't scheduled a show for the evening but it worked out great. 
