Monday was back to work day, ugh, but we made the most of it by hanging out at the Henning's house. Dad got a private office, Remy got Elisabet's toys all to himself while she was at school, and Mom got to enjoy a bit of adult conversation for once.
Chris and Linnea live in a very nice caul de sac just a few minutes from downtown San Luis Obispo. Their street is quiet and their garage/back patio are fenced in and make for an awesome hangout spot.
For dinner Chris smoked a rack of ribs, Linnea made corn bread, and there were also salads a-plenty. Another family that we had gone trick or treating with on last year's trip came by for dinner and we had an enjoyable evening catching up, eating, and playing a few board games. The children were doing something with cat and pirate costumes but we were having a hard time following. Probably too complicated for our old and unpliable brains.
Tuesday was a bit of the same, although this time Mom and Remy dropped Dad off at the Hennings and then went back to the trailer for school work and breakfast.
After work we went to the dog park and the dogs did absolutely zero playing. We thought they would be ready to go after lounging around in the heat all day but apparently not. For dinner we went to Central Coast brewery. Mom and Dad were unfamiliar, but they had a very large selection of interesting beers to try. Dad's favorite was the Mexican Fruit Salad, which had mango, pineapple, and a very nice Chile finish. On top of good food and good beer it was trivia night! All of our loyal readers will be glad to know that the Golden Cats (team name provided by Elisabet) took second place (out of three teams). Our team was in first place for most of the night but stumbled a bit when Chris had to take Elisabet home for bed. The highlight of the evening was definitely Remy and Elisabet winning the dance round with some absolutely scorching moves.