Road Trip Remy Rides Again pt. 29

We woke up Wednesday morning to some bad news. Despite feeling fine the day before, Chris had come down with COVID so we weren't going to be spending time at the Henning household any longer. We decided to spend the rest of the week working from the trailer (mobile data connection willing). Everything ended up working fine, but it was hot hot hot. Dad sat outside for a while and he had to move every thirty minutes or so to stay out of the sun. Remy and Mom spent a good chunk of the morning working on school work, with Remy making sure to stay on schedule as he is missing the first few weeks of school. He has been making great progress on his reading, math, and writing, and he luckily has an excellent teacher. 

After work we went to the public pool for some swimming. Linnea and Elisabet (who were isolating from Chris and testing negative) joined us. Remy and Elisabet did some triangle swimming practice where they swam from one parent to the next (in the shape of a triangle) and tried to catch each other. We had to take several breaks to make sure no one hyperventilated. They are extreme swimmers. 

Thursday was more work, but Mom and Remy were able to take a trip to the children's museum in SLO. For our evening activity we took a very very foggy walk on the beach. It was a little spooky. Remy was quite concerned that we would get lost. 
On Friday morning we went into town for fancy coffee at Field Day. This was Dad's favorite coffee stop of the trip so far. They have lots of bean choices for all of their drinks. What we thought might be an artsy picture just looks like a mess. A lack of photo evidence aside, the coffee was excellent. 

After work we headed out to eat downtown. Our first choice had a 40 minute wait so we decided on a sushi restaurant down the street. It did not go well. It took twenty minutes for anyone to speak to us after being seated. We never received our drinks. Maria received the tempura dinner instead of the tempura rolls, and the sushi rolls took over and hour to come out (with no one telling us they were running behind). Any one of those might have been okay, but all together they made for a very unpleasant experience. Watching Remy eat noodles was at least entertaining. 

Luckily the arcade was our next stop so we could wash away our dinner sorrows with bright lights and high scores. Remy played pinball, a car racing game (I wouldn't let him get behind the wheel of my car), a basketball game, a Transformers game, donkey Kong, and a dance game. Dad and Remy also played a motorcycle game and got third place. The game blew air in your face when you accelerated and Remy's hair was going wild. It was a grand time and much more positively memorable than dinner. 
